Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In Your Dreams

By Hazel Holland

This butterfly was done mainly with water soluble wax crayons and wet colored tissue paper to create this stained glass effect.  I think this bold and colorful image would make a great blank greeting card or perhaps a colorful picture for a little girl's room.

I named it "In Your Dreams" because I felt that the boldness of the butterfly colors is not something you would see in real life... but rather in a dream.  However, the vibrant colors speak of the transformation that God wants to bring about in each one of us as we choose to spread our wings and fly like He designed for us to fly.♥

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Wave of Glory

By Hazel Holland

I painted this impressionistic watercolor as I remembered what it felt like in the Spirit to be bathed in a wave of God's glory.  It's like being immersed in an ocean of His unconditional love and forgiveness where the aroma of His grace completely covers you.  It's the place where He can see into your heart and you want to live in His heart forever.♥

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Living Life in the Spirit

By Hazel Holland

I painted this impressionistic watercolor a number of years ago right after my step-mom died, because the Lord brought back a scene he had shown me in the Spirit years before.  Knowing that God identifies with our feelings of sorrow and brokenness brought me great comfort. 

I've discovered that living life in the Spirit is the only way to live a life full of meaning and purpose.  For as the Spirit gives us life, we become conduits of God's resurrection power in our lives so that others are drawn to the Father's heart of grace and love for them, too.♥

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Desert Splendor

By Hazel Holland

I painted this impressionistic watercolor as I remembered how beautiful sunsets can be in the desert in the springtime, especially after its rained.  Pools of water suddenly cover the once parched ground.  Desert streams begin to flow offering spring flowers a much needed drink.  Everything seems brighter and more beautiful.  Life springs forth in the desert after it's washed by rain.  But the final touch is the splendor of a desert sunset painted by the Master Artist Himself.♥

If you  would like to see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Waves of His Love

By Hazel Holland

When I first painted this abstract watercolor it was twice as large and called "The Depths of His Love".  Then I decided to crop it and alter it because I wanted to do a close up of the waves.

Have you ever experienced what seemed like waves of His love rolling over you and sweeping you into your Father's arms?  Even if you haven't, you can know that He always holds you close to His heart.♥

If you would like to see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Living Desert

By Hazel Holland

I painted this impressionistic watercolor as I remembered how glorious sunsets can be in the desert after it has rained.  Pools of cool water suddenly cover the once parched ground.  Desert streams flow amongst the spring flowers offering them a much needed drink.  Everything seems brighter and more beautiful.  Life springs forth in the desert after it is washed by rain.

So do the desert places in my life.  The dry and parched ground of my heart becomes softened.  What once seemed dead becomes alive.  New life springs forth as I drink daily from this Oasis in the desert... this Living Water that will never run dry. ♥

If you would like to see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I AM Will Calm Your Sea

By Hazel Holland

After writing the following word from God's heart one morning I was inspired to paint this watercolor later that same day as I thought about a young friend of mine who was going through a difficult time in her life...

When the situation looked the most impossible to the disciples, that's when Jesus came walking on the water...stepping through the whitecaps towards them as if the angry sea were mere asphalt. Can you hear His welcome voice as it thundered with power and authority in the midst of that storm?

"It is I... don't be afraid!

Just as Jesus, the great "I AM" calmed the sea that stormy night and brought the disciples safely to the shore, so He comes striding across the turbulent sea of your life.  With a voice more powerful than any wind of adversity, He says to you right now:

"I am Yahweh!  Don't be afraid!  I AM with you!  I will calm the sea of your troubled heart.  I will go deeper than the deepest ocean and heal the source of your fear and pain."

"I AM the Word by whom all things were made, and My Word will not return to Me void.  It will accomplish that which I have purposed in My heart for you, My beloved!"

"Two thousand years ago I would not let the crowds make Me a King, but today I will let you make Me King of your heart.  Let Me step into the restless sea of your anxious thoughts and emotions and quiet your spirit with My love."

"Let Me hold you as I sing over you. Let Me lead you as we dance over the whitecaps on this turbulent sea of life together. Let Me bring you safely to shore on the other side..." ♥

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Life Without Filters

By Hazel Holland

I painted this watercolor about five years ago after I received a vision one night while praying for a friend of mine just before we attended a Cleansing Streams Weekend Retreat.  After sharing with her what I had seen, she confirmed that the visual portrayal of her in a fish tank clinging to the air filter was exactly how she felt at times as a worship leader within the church. She felt restricted and controlled by man-made rules while at the same time struggling to let go of her own need to be in control of everything.

Often she felt like she would die at times if she didn’t get some fresh air soon. She wanted to receive the gift of the Spirit, but was afraid that God might send her a “stone” instead of “Living Bread”. Consequently, she found herself resisting the work of the Spirit by telling God how to do His job. Finally, the wall of fear that she had erected collapsed, and she was freed to venture beyond the confining walls of the “fish tank” and discover an ocean of clear Living Water where there were no restrictions to Life in the Spirit…

My prayer is that God will release us all from fish tank living into the Ocean of His Amazing Grace where we can drink daily of His River of Delights. 

"God, we're tired of being bound to man-made filtering systems that keep your Holy Spirit from breathing His true Life-giving Energy and Presence into us.  Lord, we want the quality of Life that comes from living in You with no filters, because You came to give us Life to the fullest!  Free all of us who have found ourselves confined by the limitations of life within the tank!" ♥

You may read more about this here.

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Living in the Shadows

By Hazel Holland

I tried my hand at a new technique in watercolor painting yesterday by using soft pastels to bring the final details to the watercolor background that was done with wet colored tissue paper.

Today as I took another look at the flowers in this painting I was reminded that sometimes in life we are like these flowers... We live too many days of our lives in the shadows of fear and doubt so that we don't recognize that God's mercies are new every morning.  But when the Son-shine of God's grace falls upon us, the shadows recede and Light illuminates the place that was earlier clothed in darkness. 

Although I tried my hand at a new technique in painting yesterday, today as I looked at this picture it reminded me that there are no new "techniques" to living in the shadows.  Flowers require sunlight to grow and so do we.  We can only blossom as we live in the Spirit and bask in the Son-light of God's mercy and grace. 

Without His love we are merely living in the shadows, and cannot possibly become all that God designs for us to be... a sweet smelling fragrance... the unmistakable aroma of His grace.♥ 

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Bloom Where You're Planted

By Hazel Holland

I decided to try my hand at a new technique in painting yesterday.  First, I did a background of different colors with wet crumpled up colored tissue paper.  Then when it was dry I used soft pastels to create these impressionistic flowers.  However, I'm not so sure I'll try this technique again because the pastels were very hard to work with on watercolor paper...  And my hands got very stained from the wet tissue paper and soft pastels.

Although I tried my hand at a new technique in painting yesterday, today as I looked at this painting it reminded me that there are no new techniques to blooming.  We can only bloom as we bask in the sunshine of God's love.  Without His love we cannot grow and become who God created us to be... a sweet smelling savor that will attract the light of His presence in our lives.

But as we bloom in the place that God designed for us to be planted, we will be a blessing in the lives of those around us.  And all who pass by our way will recognize the sweet scent of His grace.♥ 

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In His Garden

By Hazel Holland

I painted this impressionistic watercolor using wet colored tissue paper, water soluble wax crayons, and watercolor pencils.  After letting the colors bleed into one another, I later edited it to create this batik-like effect. 

As I was doing this I was reminded of the time twelve years ago when I felt impressed by the Spirit to make a prayer garden out of my back yard.  As I worked tirelessly in my garden to make it a place of beauty and sanctuary for others, I learned how to enter into His Garden where the “work” has already been done. 

As I entered by faith into the “rest” of His grace I found that it's a place where no “work” is allowed.  That's because in His Garden the “work” is already finished!  I learned that the only thing left for me to do is to enjoy sweet fellowship with Him as I hear Him calling me upon the gentle wind of His Spirit to enter more fully into the “rest” that he has already provided... Himself! 

To see a larger copy of this art print click here.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Grace-filled Hearts

By Hazel Holland

As I finished painting this impressionistic/abstract watercolor, letting the wet colored tissue paper and water soluble wax crayons bleed into one another, my own heart felt like it was bleeding.  I was overwhelmed with sadness.

I had learned of misunderstandings that had taken place between people I love.  Angry and thoughtless words had been spoken.  Feelings had been hurt and forgiveness was not in sight.

And yet I still have hope that God's healing love and forgiveness will find its way back into hurting hearts and make them grace-filled again.♥ 

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Garden Sanctuary

By Hazel Holland

I painted this impressionistic watercolor using wet colored tissue paper, water soluble wax crayons, and watercolor pencils.  After letting the colors bleed into one another, I later edited it to create this batik-like effect. 

As I was doing this I was reminded of the time twelve years ago when I felt impressed by the Spirit to make a prayer garden out of my back yard.  As I worked tirelessly in my garden to make it a place of beauty and sanctuary for others, I learned how to enter into His Garden where the “work” has already been done. 

As I entered by faith into the “rest” of His grace I found that it's a place where no “work” is allowed.  That's because in His Garden the “work” is already finished!  I learned that the only thing left for me to do is to enjoy sweet fellowship with Him as I hear Him calling me upon the gentle wind of His Spirit to enter more fully into the “rest” that he has already provided... Himself!

To see a larger copy of this art print click here.

Garden Magic

By Hazel Holland

I painted this impressionistic watercolor using wet colored tissue paper and water soluble wax crayons.  Then I let the colors bleed into one another to create this whimsical effect.

As I thought about the process this artwork went through, I was reminded of another kind of bleeding.  At times our own hearts feel like they're bleeding.  When someone we are close to and love moves away, we feel like our hearts will break.

Instead of making a pretty picture with the bleeding colors of paint, our tears paint a picture of heartache on our faces.  We feel sad because we already miss the person we love.  Our tears run together with the mascara and our eyes get all puffy and swollen.  Not a pretty picture at all. 

But our hearts are far stronger than we imagine.  Although the picture we are creating is of tears instead of paint, it is far more beautiful than paint.  Our tear-stained faces are a living tableau of the love that we feel in our hearts for the person who is dear to us.  Our wonderful memories of them cannot be lost or erased by time because they are safely hidden in our hearts.

After our tears subside, we will realize that the person we love still loves us, and will miss us, too.  They have tears on their face as they hold us close to their heart.  Although our loving relationship with them will continue, it will be different because we will not see them as often.

But whenever we do get to spend time with them, we will notice that the love that we hold in our hearts for them has grown.  It has magically blossomed like a spring garden.  Our tears of sorrow have been replaced by tears of joy... along with lots of warm hugs.  Seeing their happiness brings us contentment and peace, because we now know the meaning of love.

To see a larger copy of this art print click here.