Sunday, February 23, 2014

Winter Beauty

By Hazel Holland

I recently finished painted this lovely winter scene for another one of my art classes.  Since my elderly students were not keen on using watercolor paint, I wanted to see if I could give them an alternate method  in which to create beautiful pictures that were suitable for greeting cards.

So I created this warm and delightful setting as the sun was going down at the end of a cold and snowy winter day by using water soluble wax pastels and watercolor pencils instead of regular watercolor paint.

Winter scenes like this remind me of growing up in England... except for the fact that my robins are enjoying the last rays of the setting sun from from a fir instead of a holly bush.♥

To see a larger copy of this painting or purchase a print click here.

A Beacon of Hope

By Hazel Holand

I painted this realistic watercolor of a lighthouse to demonstrate to the students in my art class how to create a mood painting by the use of light and color. 

However, this painting is more than a just a mood painting.  The light from the lighthouse is but a glimmer of light compared to the light that is illuminating the threatening rocks...

Perhaps as Christ followers that is how our light is supposed to shine...  His Presence in us reveals the contrasting darkness that is in the world around us.  His Presence in us becomes a beacon of hope... pointing the way to the Father of Light.♥

To see a larger copy of this painting or purchase an art print, please click here.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Love Burns Brightly

By Hazel Holland

 I created this impressionistic watercolor from a larger watercolor of mine by altering the size and changing the colors of the painting.  The rainbow colors in this scene of swaying ocean plants are a visual reminder that many waters cannot quench the flame of love that exists in the heart of God for each one of His children.  His love burns brightly, and nothing in heaven or earth can extinguish the flame of His love that is as strong as death (Song of Solomon 8:6-7).♥

To see a larger copy of this art print or purchase a copy of it, please click here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Moving in the Spirit

By Hazel Holland

I created this impressionistic watercolor from a larger watercolor of mine by altering the size, and changing the colors and mood of the painting.  The vivid colors in this scene of swaying ocean plants are a visual reminder of what it means to live life in the power of the Spirit...  Faith, hope, and love are being expressed by the joyful movement of each swaying plant.♥

To see a larger copy of this artwork click here.