For sometime now I have had a longing to paint pictures in the Spirit from the various dreams and visions I have had that depict the love in the heart of the Father for His beloved children. Since I have never done this kind of painting before I was very hesitant at first to try...
All of my paintings up until 2007 have been inspired by something I have seen in real life. Yes, God was, and still is, glorified by the beauty of what I have already painted. I give Him all the credit for His gift of painting, but there's a difference now within me...
The kind of painting I feel the Lord drawing me into now is painting pictures that have a message that will speak directly to peoples hearts. I want to paint pictures that will glorify Jesus Christ and His passion for His beloved of who God is and why He is so worthy of our worship and praise.
An amazing thing happened recently when I chose to obey the Spirit's promptings and paint two pictures I had seen in the Spirit twelve years ago The Trumpet is at His Lips and The Father's Heart. As soon as I put the paintbrush to the paper and began to paint what I was so sure I couldn't paint, I found myself back in the scene I had originally seen, and became a part of it for the second time around.
Truly God has shown me that it isn't what our flesh can do, but what His Spirit can accomplish through us if we will only trust Him. So from time to time you will see paintings on this site that I have done from something the Spirit has shown me. I hope they will bless, strengthen and encourage you to run after the One whom my soul loves. You will never be disappointed. He will always receive you with open arms as you choose to let Him enfold you in His loving embrace.